Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekend Shopping & Weekday Planning

I have had the best time shopping this weekend. The stores have their Christmas decorations out, and good sales, and it's totally putting me in Christmas Spirit!

Friday night J took me out to eat and shopping. (Neither one of us likes to cook on Fridays). We had such a good time, and I got some new boots!

I'm usually not one to follow trends, I have more of a classic style, but I do love the whole "skinny jeans/boots" trend. These are cuter in person. I'm very petite and they don't make my feet look big and bulky at all. Of course to go with the boots, I had to go buy these:

These are from American Eagle, who happened to have all their jeans buy one/get one 50% off, so I got another pair in the regular boot cut.

I have been stuck in a "Pink and Black" rut for so long. All I buy is pink and black. I'm now trying to incorporate more red into my wardrobe. My new school has the colors red and black, and I'm coaching cheerleading, so I need to sport the school colors and show some spirit. I've never been partial to wearing red, because I don't think it is very flattering with my blonde hair and fair skin. I have to find just the right shade of a blue-red. I got this red top from Express last weekend:

The silver embellishments really stand out more than they do in the picture, and it looks really cute paired underneath my ruffly black cardigan, also from Express.

J is such a good sport when we go shopping. Of course he gets his turn when we go to Best Buy! We're buying a new 46" TV for the living room and a new digital camera for our Christmas presents so we had a good time looking for those. Of course I found Season's 1-7 of Gilmore Girls, and I had to have it, but J said no. He doesn't usually say no, so I'm hoping that I'm going to be getting it for Christmas.

Saturday was spent helping J with his homework. He's taking a college algebra class that is rediculously hard! Then we had lunch with his parents at Chilis. I saw several of my cheerleaders at Chili's, which is always fun. Then we came home and I cleaned house while he played Starcraft on the computer. Sounds fair, right? :) Just Kidding! I like having him out of the way, and he does help when asked so I can't complain. We ended the evening with a game of Monopoly that he won. (He always wins, I don't know why I play with him).

Now it's Sunday morning. The sun is shining for the first time in over a week. J is still asleep, and I'm wrapped up in the recliner cuddled up with Delilah. My house is clean, my errands are run, and I have the whole day to do whatever I want! I love weekends like this...

However I can't completely relax because I'm thinking about my busy week ahead. I have cheer practice everyday until 5:30, Tuesday I have Open House from 6-8 after school, and Wednesday I have a meeting with all the cheerleaders' parents after practice. Not to mention my class is really busy making ornaments to decorate a 9 foot Christmas tree, plus we have to get through the curriculum! But I'm not complaining. I love my job and I love to be busy.

The only thing is I feel guilty that my house seems to suffer until the next weekend. I've never been good at cleaning during the week. I'm too exhausted when I get home. I've tried the Flylady system a few times, but it never seems to work for me. I don't have time to clean in the mornings, and getting up earlier is not an option. Luckily it's just the two of us and J is pretty good about picking up after himself, so it doesn't get too bad. Does anyone else who works full time have suggestions for keeping your home clean during the week? Please leave them in the comment section.


1 comment:

  1. I hate you for being able to wear skinny jeans. J/K My situation is a little different , but I do a few things each week night to keep the house tidy. DH works 2nd shift and I hate to spend any time cleaning on the weekends. I clean up the kitchen after I cook, so it stays pretty clean. Straighten up on Mondays. Laundry on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The bulk of it is done Fridays (ironing, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, etc.). I love Clorox wipes for a quick clean up.

    The worst it the piles of paper that accumulate.
